Imagine looking at a painting and eventually becoming a part of it. That's the impression Neeti Aggarwal's paintings leave on audiences.

Neeti has always been a lover of figures. She has never shied away in showing this love in her career choices. It was the love of numbers that led her to pursue CFA. In her free time too, she could not keep away from this love. Only this time, the figures she painted were different. As a figurative abstract artist, Neeti uses human figures in her paintings to narrate stories through.
But it is not this form of art that makes her paintings different from other artists. It’s the depth that she adds in her artworks that makes them stand out. Neeti likes adding layers to her paintings to add depth to them. She likes using flat surface to allow onlookers to walk into paintings while looking at them.
Her recent show ‘Circle of Life’ gave exactly the same glimpse. With 20 acrylic paintings on display, she used knife and also added mixed media elements in some of the artworks. Through this show, Neeti gave an introspection of any individual’s life and a tribute to strength and positivity of individuals through this show.
Describing her exhibition, she says, “This show is not one person’s journey. It is a reflection of the onlookers’ journey as they see in the paintings. The entire journey always leaves some experiences on your soul. During this transformative journey, a lot of learnings happen and there are a lot of unknowns that an individual tackles. I have reflected life through colours, themes and images.”
All the artworks are an amalgamation of bright colours and perspective elements. She insists that she used these colours to show bliss through her artworks. “Due to COVID-19, each one of us is seeking happiness in life and these colours represent the same,” she adds.
One of her artworks, ‘In search of light’, shows a person’s search of light. However, Neeti insists that light does not mean light in literal sense but it could be learning, education or a spiritual journey.
Explaining this painting, she says, “I have personified it as a woman. It is my way of showing that a person is thinking and finding light. This light could mean different things for different people. I have left on an art lover’s mind to perceive its meaning.”

In another artwork titled ‘Radiant bliss’, the artist has used colours and a woman. “I have tried to show that the woman is trying to untangle unknown elements. But it’s her positivity that she will shape the reality around you. The wheels showcase the wheel of time,” she asserts.
The wheel of time has also been used in the artwork titled ‘Aura’. Neeti has taken a couple as a focal point and has shown thoughts radiating out. Neeti shares, “The wheel describes that time keeps on changing. The path signifies the couple’s journey. The focal point brings to their relationship that they are being supportive to each other in whatever journey they have.”