Wordle is a grid puzzle that allows players to guess five letter words in six chances.
When Josh Wardle thought of gifting something for his puzzle-loving partner Palak Shah, he decided to create a game for her. He named it ‘Wordle’, a word game that can be only played once in a day. However, never in his wildest dreams, he imagined that his exclusive gift would become a viral trend on the internet. Wordle has got the attention from people across the world. According to The Guardian, 300,000 players have played the game till the beginning of January 2022.
Wordle isn’t like any other game that is played on an app. It isn’t like PubG and Candy Crush that took the world by storm as it neither involves candies nor warfare. Wordle, as the name suggests, is made from the words: 'word' and 'puzzle'. The game allows players to guess five letter words in six chances. Each time a player adds a word in a grid and hits ‘Enter’, the alphabets appear in green, yellow or grey colour (as shown above).
These colours mean different. The alphabet(s) in green highlight the right letter in the right position while the ones in yellow highlight the right letter in the wrong position. Grey denotes the wrong alphabet. These colours enable players to guess the correct words. The puzzle for a day remains same for everyone.
Wordle v/s other games
This isn’t the first time that a word-based game has been introduced on the internet. There are several app-based games have gained popularity in the past. But never has any game appeared where people brag about their scores on the internet. Wordle has managed to achieve that feat.
It’s the love for guessing words and expanding your vocabulary that makes it a popular game. People also consider it as a great mental exercise that does not involve any numbers. The fact that it is available free of cost, and does not accompany any complicated rule book and a sign-in process, makes it a success.
The game is not available on Google Play and Apple Store. This grid puzzle can only be played on its website.